October 23-25, 2024 | Seattle, Washington

The 32nd Fall Conference features engaging discussions with leaders in environmental, energy, and resources law, including state and federal regulators, leading scholars, and in-house counsel. Each day will kick off with a plenary session, such as exploring the emergence of AI and its implications for environment, energy, and resources law, and the impact of recent Supreme Court decisions.
The conference agenda is diverse, providing updates on the Clean Water Act and Clean Air Act. A hypothetical industrial accident will focus on managing key roles in responding to the accident. Attendees will gain an understanding from energy practitioners as they delve into environmental justice considerations and the permitting process for energy and environmental projects and the strategic siting of renewable energy projects. Climate change remains a pressing concern, and panel discussions will explore recent climate litigation and the ramifications of climate change on water availability. Hear from panelists as they address Tribal considerations in the areas of treaty rights and co-management of state and federal lands and natural resources. Additional topics to be examined include dam removal developments, contaminated waterways cleanups, the impacts of regulatory requirements on supply chain logistics, the emergence of contaminants such as microplastics and 6PPD, and the evolving landscape of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) and climate disclosure practices. This event is hosted by The American Bar Association
The Westin Seattle
1900 5th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98101
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